COVID testing in the West

If you’re unwell or have mild symptoms such as a runny nose, cough or sore throat it’s important to make sure you don’t have COVID-19. We’ve updated our COVID-19 resource page with easy to access free COVID testing clinics in the West.

It may be worth printing off these addresses and sticking them on the fridge, in case you need them.

Here they are again:

COVID testing Clinics in the West

If you’re unwell with a fever or only milder symptoms like a runny nose, cough or sore throat you should not go to work and get yourself tested. Here’s where you can get tested in the West:

Altona North Respiratory Clinic (children and adults)


Phone: 9393 3900 or Book online

coHealth Footscray

78 Paisley St, Footscray

Monday-Friday, 9:30 am-12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Phone: 9448 5502

Walk-ins welcome but prior appointment by phone call preferred.

Highpoint Shopping Centre

120-200 Rosamond Rd, Maribyrnong

Access: Turn onto Warrs Rd from Rosamond Rd, take 2nd entry on the right hand side

7 days 9 am-5 pm

Sunshine Hospital Respiratory Clinic

Walk-ins fine

Monday-Sunday 10 am-6 pm

Laverton Covid testing at coHealth

95-105 Railway Pde, Laverton

Call 9448 5534 or book online

Access: Entry to the clinic is via the rear of the building. Clients will be asked to park in the car park and remain in their car until approached by the triage nurse and directed into the clinic.

Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm

Women’s Health at Eleanor Clinic

From the beginning, Women’s Health has been a core priority at Eleanor Clinic.

It is clear that many of you appreciate the dedication and compassion that the clinic team show in all their interactions. At the Women’s Clinic we take time to work with you to identify what is relevant to you and provide options that you are comfortable with. While our medical assessment is based on the latest medical research and many years of clinical experience our advice will always develop as a dialogue between you and your doctor.

  • Well women’s checks
  • General gynaecological problems – PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal issues, pelvic pain
  • Sexual health
  • Contraception and family planning 
  • IUD and Mirena insertion (Dr. Felicity Dent only)
  • Fertility advice
  • Pregnancy related issues – pregnancy planning, pregnancy care, pelvic floor instability
  • Accredited Shared Maternity Care provider
  • Postnatal checks
  • Management of unplanned pregnancy
  • Menopause, HRT
  • Psychological health
  • Adolescent sexual & reproductive health

Times they are a changing – looking after yourself

We have seen more people coming to us at Eleanor Clinic with severe anxiety, insomnia, physical stress symptoms and worsening depression.

These are very stressful times that have forced an enormous amount of change upon us within weeks: working from home, home schooling, lack of access to regular exercise or other fitness classes and the feeling of isolation. That’s some package…

Whether you think you’re doing just fine, are having some adjustment difficulties or are experiencing significant distress: make sure you make time for self care. If you’re now thinking “I have no time for that” then maybe just think about who will look after your loved ones if you can no longer do it.

By looking after yourself you are also making sure you can be there when others need you, who may rely on you.

There is often not one simple solution to help with feelings of too much stress, emotional difficulties or frank despair. Different things will indeed be helpful to different people. Making an appointment to see your GP is often a good start to get help. We’ll listen to what’s going on in your life and together we can make a plan on how to get better or back on track.

This is a bit like finding a signpost in the fog: you still need to take the steps to get you there yourself, but having someone help with directions and being there with you makes life so much easier. Also: fog goes away after a while, even if it can be hard to see that at times.

Look after yourself!
And your team at Eleanor Clinic is here to support you.

For 24/7 domestic violence crisis support call Safe Steps on 1800 015 188. If you cannot safely call, email and a support worker will reply ASAP.

For a specialist LGBTIQ family violence service contact W|Respect on 1800 542 847

For support for women who live in the Western suburbs, contact Women’s Health West on 9689 9588.

? International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) ?

Eleanor Clinic takes pride in fostering an inclusive environment where people can be themselves and feel welcome and safe.

We support and celebrates all parents, including LGBTIQ parents, whether you are a birth parent or a non-birth parent, foster parent or adoptive parent. We know that perinatal mental illness does not discriminate and that all expecting and new parents need (and deserve) support!

The current pandemic has made it even harder for many new parents to get the support they need. Becoming a parent is such a roller coaster of excitement and – let’s be frank – utter exhaustion.

We at Eleanor Clinic are here to support you! Doctors at Eleanor Clinic have a broad range of training and experience to help you through the post natal period. This includes help with feeding issues, crying babies and post natal depression and anxiety. We make extensive use of the great network of community services, perinatal psychologists and perinatal psychiatrists we have in the West. We all work together to support you through this journey.

The biggest step often is to realise that it is a sign of strength to ask for help. And from there things will get easier!

So, please: speak to us if you are struggling.
We are here to share the smiles and the tears!

For more information: