Covid vaccinations at Eleanor Clinic for children aged 5-11 years

Our vaccination clinics for children aged 5-11 years have been extremely well received. Thank you every one for booking in your children. If you need an appointment you can book in here.
If you have questions about the vaccine please book a regular appointment with your GP. This gives us the time to answer all your questions.
Our goal is making the kids vaccination clinics as smooth and mostly as fun as possible to the little ones. Our team is working extra shifts to get these vaccinations done. We know how important it is that the children have a good experience receiving their doses. Encourage your child to bring their favourite teddy or cuddle toy. We have lollipops and stickers and some really silly jokes. Even better if you can tell us your favourite joke!
There’s some more helpful information on the Raising Children’s Website
Children might have varying feelings about COVID-19 vaccination. Many children will be OK with it. But some might be worried about getting an injection. Some might also have heard misinformation from friends or other sources and feel worried about the vaccine.
This means it can help to talk with your child about vaccination before the appointment. When you talk and what you say depends on your child’s age, development and feelings.
For example, some children might prefer to be told on the morning of their appointment. This will stop them overthinking things and feeling more anxious. You could say something like ‘We’re going to the doctor for some arm medicine, then we’ll go to the park’.
Other children might prefer to be told a few days before the appointment, so they have time to prepare and ask questions. For example, they might want to know what will happen at the appointment, why they need vaccination and whether it will hurt.
It’s always best to give your child clear, accurate, age-appropriate information that they can understand. For example:
  • For a child who’s worried about the injection, you could say ‘The needle might pinch a bit, but it’s over very quickly’.
  • For a child who wants to know how vaccination works, you could say ‘The medicine helps your body make blood soldiers. If you get the virus, the soldiers can fight it for you’.
If you don’t know the answer to a question, tell your child you’ll find out. Make sure you get back to them. And if your child feels nervous or worried, it’s important to acknowledge and name these feelings. This can help your child understand and manage their emotions.

Getting the COVID-19 vaccination: handling children’s injection anxiety or needle phobia
If your child is nervous about injections or has a needle phobia, these tips can help them have a positive experience when they get their COVID-19 vaccination:
  • Get vaccinated at a GP clinic or with your child’s usual GP. This is more private and might be more comfortable for your child.
  • If you have questions for the immunisation provider, call ahead to discuss these. Long conversations just before a vaccination can make children more anxious.
  • Give your child some choice so they feel more in control of the situation. You could ask which day they want to be vaccinated, what they want to do during the vaccination or what they want to do afterwards.
  • Ask the immunisation provider whether they have anaesthetic creams or gels to numb the injection area. If they don’t, you can get creams or gels at a pharmacy and take them to the clinic yourself. Some immunisation providers have a small vibrating device (a ‘buzzy’) that can reduce pain at the injection area.
  • Make sure your child is wearing short sleeves. If your child is wearing a jumper, get them to take it off before going in for the appointment.
  • Distract your child during the vaccination. For example, get your child to play with noisy toys, watch a video on a tablet or phone, or answer a question like ‘Where’s your favourite place to go on holidays?’
  • If your child is older, encourage them to do breathing exercises or relaxation exercises. Your child can practise these exercises beforehand and do them during the vaccination.
If you need extra support, contact your immunisation provider. They can talk with you about the best way to get your child vaccinated.
Some children with severe needle phobia might need to see a psychologist or hypnotherapist to work through their phobia.

Steps to Safety – Everybody deserves to feel safe at home

Everybody deserves to feel safe at home.

Did you know research has shown that at least 1 in every 10 women attending their GP have experienced family or domestic violence?

Abuse can affect your health – and this is why Eleanor Clinic is participating in the Pathways to Safety Program, which aims to further improve the support available for individuals or families whose lives may be affected by family or domestic violence.

This includes people from backgrounds which are culturally and linguistically diverse, those living with a disability, Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people and those from the LGBTQIA+ community, who may be disproportionately affected.

COVID19 lockdown measures mean that most of us have been spending lots more time at home. Sadly, for some of us, home is not the safest place to be. Remember, even during lockdown you can leave home at any time to escape family violence. We are working with Women’s Health West, a local women’s health service in Footscray which provides services such as crisis housing, court support and children’s counselling.

Family or domestic violence may involve controlling behaviours, intimidation, sexual coercion, verbal abuse or physical violence. If you have any concerns and would like to speak to one of our GPs, call our excellent reception team on 9318 4666 to book an appointment or book an appointment online.. When you speak to us you can be sure of your safety and our support and confidentiality, and we can help direct you to services for additional support. You are the expert in your safety. The person perpetrating family violence is responsible for their behaviour. You or your children are never responsible.


Resources for individuals experiencing family or domestic violence.

Remember, if you are in immediate danger, call the police on 000.

  • Women’s Health West (9689 958),
  • 1800 Respect (1800 737 732): 24 hour service providing confidential information, counselling and support services
  • Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre (1800 015 188): 24 hour support service for women and children
  • WithRespect (1800 542 847): family violence service supporting the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Djirra (1800 105 303): Aboriginal community-controlled family violence organisation
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line (1800 806 292): confidential, after hours counselling for people who have experienced sexual assault (weekends, public holidays, 5pm – 9am weekday)
  • Men’s Referral Service (1300 766 491): confidential support for men at risk of using family violence
  • – ‘What’s Okay At Home’, for children

Management options of unplanned pregnancies are available at Eleanor Clinic

Being able to access safe pregnancy terminations is an important part of every woman’s healthcare – and a necessary right. We’re fortunate to live in Victoria where we have some of the country’s most liberal abortion laws. We are passionate at Eleanor Clinic about providing women with the best healthcare. This includes help regarding their fertility choices and contraceptive options. We are using a woman-centred approach to pregnancy options, following the expert guidelines of the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne.

Our approach is based on the belief that women are the experts in their own lives, so they should be making decisions about their pregnancy. Women are in the best position – morally, legally and practically – to make a decision based on their strengths, limitations and resources. If you find yourself in a situation where you are considering your options, we are here to support you in whatever choice you make. If you are not sure what to do, we are happy to discuss your options and can also refer you to a psychologist, trained in non-judgmental pregnancy counselling, for further support if needed.

What is A Medical Termination?

Some people still believe that a surgical termination is the only choice for a termination of pregnancy. In fact, there is another reliable option available for women who are pregnant up to nine weeks gestation (or 63 days).

Known as a medical abortion or medical termination, this non-invasive method involves taking a course of tablets over two days.

If you choose this method, you can go through the process at home and avoid a surgical procedure and anaesthetic. Doctors in Australia undergo additional training to qualify for prescribing these medications.

If you are seeking a medical abortion, we would recommend that you call our friendly Eleanor Clinic reception team and let them know that a termination is the reason for your appointment. This enables our switched on reception team to book you in for a long consult with one of our specially trained women’s health doctors as soon as possible. We understand that this can be a sensitive matter and our reception team will handle your call with respect and discretion.

How Are Medical Abortions Performed?

Medical abortions are carried out over four main stages:

Stage 1 — Initial Consultation and Pregnancy Test

You and your doctor will discuss your options and ensure that a medical abortion is safe for you. Your doctor will then organise tests, including:

  • A blood test to check your b-hCG (pregnancy hormone) level – this can be done at any pathology collection service of your choice. For convenience, there is a Melbourne Pathology branch located a few minutes’ walk from Eleanor Clinic.
  • An ultrasound to check the gestation (date) of the pregnancy. This also verifies that the pregnancy is inside the uterus and not in the wrong place outside the uterus, known as an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Optional: you may wish to include screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


Stage 2  Pregnancy Results and Prescription

When you come back for your second appointment we’ll look at your test results together to confirm your gestation period. If you’re up to nine weeks pregnant and decide to proceed, we will give you a prescription for the medication (MS-2 Step). You can fill this prescription at any pharmacy.(and we will tell you which pharmacy always stocks it.)

Stage 3  Taking the Medication

You take this medicine at home.

You take one tablet containing mifepristone, followed by four tablets of misoprostol between 36 to 48 hours later. Don’t worry – they are clearly labelled and come with easy instructions to follow.

Mifepristone, also called RU486, blocks progesterone – the hormone that allows your pregnancy to grow.

The other medicine, misoprostol, softens your cervix to help your uterus expel the pregnancy.

You will experience cramping, which usually starts within 4 hours of taking misoprostol. Women usually find the pain and bleeding that follows heavier than their normal period; we can prescribe pain relief to help you through this process. Pain and bleeding usually get better after the first 24 hours and subside after the pregnancy tissue has passed. It’s a good idea to take it easy for a couple of days and have a friend or family member around for support.

During the termination you have access to 24/7 phone support with a nurse who can answer questions and give guidance. Should a complication occur, such as excess pain or bleeding, you will be advised to attend the nearest emergency department staffed with a 24/7 gynaecology team (usually Sunshine Hospital or the Royal Women’s Hospital).

Stage 4  Follow Up

We will arrange for a follow up appointment 2-3 weeks later to ensure that the termination was successful and there are no complications. We also use this opportunity to discuss contraception as fertility can return within 2 weeks of the termination. And we will make sure you are doing okay.

Up to 5% of women who have a medical termination retain a small amount of pregnancy tissue in the uterus. This requires further management – usually a minor surgical procedure under a general anaesthetic. Medical abortions may fail in about 1% of women. If this was the case, you would then go on to have a surgical abortion.

Further Information

Good resources are available for women seeking objective information and advice, including:


Wear It Purple Day 2021

This day was founded in response to the global stories of young people who were taking their own lives following bullying and harassment due to the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity.

This year’s theme is Start the Conversation…Keep it Going.

At Eleanor Clinic, we are committed to providing high quality health care in an environment that is safe and inclusive for people of all sexual orientation, sex and gender identities. Having open and safe conversations are key to making everyone feel comfortable and supported to be who they are, whether that be in their own home, at work, at school or with friends.

Join us to raise awareness, celebrate diversity and inclusion in the community.

#Pride@EleanorClinic #Pride #LoveIsLove #WearItPurpleDay2021 #LGBTQYouth

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