Monkeypox vaccination now available at Eleanor Clinic

Monkeypox vaccination now available at Eleanor Clinic.

If you’re in a high risk group, you need the monkeypox vaccine.

But sometimes you don’t have the time to travel to a city vaccination centre. At other times, it’s too difficult. And sometimes you may just plain simply don’t want to go there – whatever the reason. We get that.

That’s why we’ve talked to the Department of Health and have been accredited to provide monkeypox vaccinations to our patients. You need this vaccine, if you’re in one of these groups:

  • All sexually active gay and bisexual men (cis and trans).
  • Their sexual partners
  • Sex workers
  • Health care workers at increased risk

If you’re on the fence about this vaccine make an appointment with your trusted Eleanor Clinic doctor and talk to us. Otherwise: what are you waiting for?

What else do I need to know

  • The monkey pox vaccine is safe. You need two doses a minimum of 28 days apart to get the best protection. It’ll take another 14 days before the vaccine is fully effective.
  • Mostly men who have sex with men are affected, following an international outbreak since 2022.
  • Mpox can be spread
    • from person-to-person
    • by skin-to-skin contact
    • by contact with contaminated surfaces or objects
    • by respiratory droplets
  • Symptoms can include a rash, fever, chills, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat and exhaustion. It can also cause rectal pain or discomfort during urination.

PCOS (Polycystic-ovary syndrome)

Support for patients with PCOS at Eleanor Clinic.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that often leads to heavy periods, weight gain and acne.
It can lead to difficulties in getting pregnant and increase emotional challenges, like anxiety and depression.

There is good evidence that support from health professionals empowers patients to improve their symptoms.
Here at Eleanor Clinic we support you in a non judgemental way, to be empowered towards achieving your health goals. We are focusing on promoting healthy behaviours rather than emphasising weight loss.

Eleanor Clinic is inviting our patients with PCOS for a specific health assessment. Most patients will be eligible for a bulk billed GP management plan. We will discuss your concerns and symptoms, organise relevant tests and make an individual treatment plan with you.

A GP management plan also gives you access to 5 allied health visits, subsidised by medicare.
If getting more support through; eg. an exercise physiologist, dietician or other health professional would be beneficial, we will organise that for you.

If you think you could have PCOS or already have an established diagnosis, please book in for a GP management plan at Eleanor Clinic. You will be seen by our nurse and your doctor, for a comprehensive plan.

More information:

Make a Wish Foundation

Today, we wore blue to support #worldwishday World Wish Day is run in support of the Make A Wish Foundation

Multiple people working at Eleanor Clinic have been personally affected by this foundation.

One of the practice nurses, Veronica, states:

Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

A wish is not a fleeting gift – each child’s Wish Journey ( is carefully planned and delivered over several stages to create a positive, lasting impact.

This organisation is particularly special to me. I and my family were very fortunate, as my beautiful 17 year old daughter was granted an amazing wish of swimming with the sea turtles on Fitzroy Island and visiting the rehab centre there.

Unfortunately, after a 16 month battle with a rare and aggressive brain cancer, Melaia lost her battle and passed on 23rd October 2022. It was thanks to Make a Wish Foundation that we were able to make a dream of Melaia’s come true and some wonderful family memories to cherish. We are forever grateful. We can help other critically ill children’s wishes come true and put a smile on their faces by donating and spreading awareness.

The donation page for the Make A Wish Foundation will be linked. If you are in a position of being able to donate, please consider doing so!

Three Eleanor Clinic babies!

We are so excited for Dr. Kate, Dr. Kristen and Dr. Lisa who are now on maternity leave. We are wishing them a wonderful and special time.

What this also means though, is that we are currently short on doctor appointments. We are excited to announce that Dr Farrah, an experienced Woman’s health GP is commencing with us at Eleanor Clinic next week.

We would also love to hear from other GPs interested to work with us at Eleanor Clinic. While we value your trust in us, we are again so busy making sure our current patients are well looked after that we can unfortunately not see any new patients at the moment.

We’re helping free up our previous doctor’s time where we can : vaccinations at Eleanor Clinic are now run by our highly experienced team of specialised vaccination nurses. As the government unfortunately does not provide any Medicare reimbursement for nurse vaccinations, there is now a fee for vaccinations provided at Eleanor Clinic.

Should you prefer to have no out of pocket fees for your family’s vaccinations, vaccinations through Maternal Child Health Centres and Pharmacies remains subsidised by the government.

Thank you to everyone at within our team at Eleanor Clinic for working so hard and to you: our patients and community for your support!

Baby photos to follow soon!