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This crap could save your life

It’s not sexy, you won’t find a lot of images of it on your friends’ Instagram and it’s unlikely bigger groups are going to get together for bowel cancer screening parties anytime soon. But it may well be the most important thing you’re going to learn about all week.

Cancer Screening saves lives. Lives like that of a colleague at work or that of your neighbour’s, or the life of that great aunt you haven’t seen in yonkers but always wanted to get in touch with but just couldn’t find the time. Or yours.

Eleanor Clinic is participating in a Cancel Council initiative to help save lives.

If you’re eligible for bowel cancer screening and haven’t had a screening result recorded with us, you’ll receive an electronic invitation from the Cancer Council on your phone soon. Click the link in the invitation and the Cancer Council will mail you a free home testing kit. Or click here or call 1800 627 701 to order a kit now. As in: now now.

The actual test takes very little time and only a tiny bit of effort but could make all the difference. Find more information here or make an appointment to discuss with one of our friendly doctors if you have more questions.

Detention harms children

Detention harms children.
We are advocating that children should not be held in detention. We stand with our colleagues at the Academy of Child and Adolescent Health (ACAH), the RCH and RACGP and support its statement released today that the issue must be resolved as a matter of urgency. Detention harms children – and this protracted dispute is doing even more damage to these young lives.
You can read the full statement from the ACAH here.

An update on our Lockdown clinic protocol

Hacking cough? Sore throat? Runny nose?

If you or your child is unwell this winter, your local GP respiratory clinic can see you face to face and give you a treatment plan to feel better.

Please see below to find your closest GP respiratory clinic. Which are conveniently located in Footscray, Maidstone, Altona and Port Melbourne. All are fully government funded, so the consult will have no out of pocket for you. The clinics are fully subsidised by the state. It is important that vulnerable patients attending Eleanor Clinic know they can do this safely. Plenty of our patients have severe chronic health conditions, are having cancer treatment or belong to another at-risk group.

We therefore have strict hygiene protocols in place, HEPA filters in every room and strict social distancing in place. If you have ongoing symptoms and had a negative PCR test recently, we are able to see you. We know that the weather is getting chilly, so if waiting in the tent of the front garden is not comfortable, please let us know, and we will try and find a place for you inside. If you are able to wait in your car, we really appreciate that.

We would love to just open our doors, and have lots of chatter inside our waiting room and clinic again. Unfortunately, due to the high number of viruses in the community, this would not be responsible. Believe us, we are trying our best in challenging times. We are not always getting it right. But we constantly review what we are doing and improve things. We love to hear your constructive feedback! We also love to hear when we do things well. Our team at Eleanor Clinic is working really hard to provide you with the best care possible.

Your closest Respiratory Clinic

Melbourne – we got this!

Eleanor Clinic is staying open for you during this lockdown – as we have throughout all previous lockdowns.

We know that lockdowns can be a very stressful time and have made extra appointments available for the coming days.

Both convenient Telehealth appointments as well as Face to Face consults are available.

If you or your children have any cough or cold symptoms the Altona and Port Melbourne Respiratory Clinics are government funded clinics which will assess you and do a Covid swab.

If all you need is a COVID swab look for your closest spot here: https://nwmphn.org.au/for-primary-care/covid-19/screening-clinics/

When you arrive for your appointment at Eleanor Clinic

As you know, we are big on your safety at Eleanor Clinic and we are taking extra precautions to keep everyone safe. When you arrive in our car park please call our reception team to let them know that you have arrived for your appointment.

Your doctor will first call you and will bring you inside the clinic for an examination or procedure if this is required and safe to do. All our rooms are sanitised between each consult, as is all our examination equipment.

Everyone over the age of 12 entering Eleanor Clinic is required to wear a mask. Temperature check and use of hand sanitiser are part of our routine. Please let us know if you are unable to wear a mask so we can arrange to see you in our outside clinical tent, if appropriate.

To all of you: we’ve done this before and we can and will do it again. And
this time let’s fight back and get vaccinated!

Find your closest vaccination hub here https://covid-19vaccination.wh.org.au