There are many things we can all do to support our wellbeing at this time – seeking professional help is only one of these.
Try to go for regular walks, eat nutritious meals, limit alcohol intake and keep in regular contact over the phone with your friends and loved ones. And please remember: it is always a sign of strength to reach out for support and help when you need it. .
It’s ok not to be ok
Frankly, it is ok not to be ok. After all: we are all living in the middle of a pandemic. But being in a pandemic doesn’t mean we have to do this alone. There is help and support available and, as GPs, helping our patients to find the right support for them can be one of the most rewarding parts of our job. Our Health minister, Greg Hunt hit the nail on the head when he observed: “Many will be feeling anxious, some will be feeling depressed, many will have mental health challenges that are being exacerbated. Can I start by saying, that’s normal, that’s OK. These times are unprecedented. Each person will deal with it in their own way.”
Being in a pandemic doesn’t mean we have to do this alone
The Better Access Mental Health Care Plan scheme remains available to offset the cost of accessing sessions with a psychologist. For those with an existing Mental Health Care Plan who have experienced further mental health difficulties with the second lockdown, there has been new funding for another 10 sessions. Yes, that’s on top of the sessions you might have previously used. And Telehealth makes it very easy for you to access this service: just book in for a mental health appointment with your regular GP.
The photo is part of a campaign that checks in on our Premier’s wellbeing from a large networking group of GPs. Politics aside, he has the unenviable task of working every day to try to guide us through this pandemic and we can only imagine the amount of pressure he is under. A reminder that everyone – even the Premier – needs some help once in a while.