Update on heart health

We’ve been receiving many enquiries about both men’s and women’s heart health in the last weeks. The good news is there’s lots of things we can all do to look after our hearts. ❤️


Don’t wait – make a change today!


✅ See your GP for a check up. People aged 45 years and over (or 30 and over for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples) are eligible for a rebate for a Heart Health Check. You’ll find out your risk of a heart attack or stroke, and most importantly, what you can do to manage your risk. Anyone of any age who is concerned about their risk factors for heart disease should speak to their GP as soon as possible 👉 https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/heart-health-education/heart-health-checks

✅ If you’ve got five minutes… check out our Heart Age Calculator to work out your heart age compared to your actual age. Your risk of heart attack or stroke might be higher if your heart age is greater than your actual age 👉 https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/heart-age-calculator

✅ If you’ve got two minutes… learn the warning signs of a heart attack and feel confident you can act by calling Triple Zero (000). Learn more 👉 https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/conditions/heart-attack