Nominate Eleanor Clinic for the 2020 General Practice Award!
Veronica Ratu, RN, one of our terrific whirlwind practice nurses, alerted us to an award hosted by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
GP practices all over the country have done a tremendous job in pushing through the hardship unleashed by the Corona-pandemic. Staff have rallied together despite considerable risk to their own health. Practices everywhere have organised and staffed testing stations, building ‘vaccination centres’ from scratch in the wonderful outdoors so that there is minimal risk to anyone while continuing with the vital task of immunising our children. And through it all continuing to develop brand new clinic procedures that ensure patients get seen in a safe clinic environment – even in the middle of a world-wide disease outbreak that has put our old life on hold.
We know all this first hand because at Eleanor Clinic we decided from the first days that we would remain open for our patients throughout this challenge. Yes, there were weeks and weeks of what seemed like non-stop work to completely rethink how we provide health-care in a world that at times appears like it’s been turned upside down. We also had to find ways so that particularly our little patients weren’t scared of the masks and gowns we wear to keep them safe. It now seems that most children that come to us think what we’re doing to keep them safe is a big, very funny game. That’s alright with us. In fact, we take that as a big compliment!
What we’re trying to say is this: we are damn proud of what our staff has achieved despite all the uncertainty that even health professionals sometimes feel. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard to do. Because we knew we needed ourselves and Eleanor Clinic to continue to provide the best health care for our community and then all the long hours to make it all happen just melted away. And we very much hope it makes a difference to your lives.
We’d be stoked if you would consider nominating our team – Eleanor Clinic – for the 2020 General Practice Award. Or, if you have a specific doctor in mind, then by all means nominate that doctor! Because more often than not it’s the little things in life that make all the difference – such as acknowledging someone’s work and care.
You’ll need a few minutes of spare time to fill in a nomination form. What better excuse than this to have a sit down with your favourite cup of hot beverage and clicking your way through the nomination form. Nominations close Friday, August 14th.
As Veronica put it: “Help me nominate our wonderful GPs and General Practice here at Eleanor Clinic. I work with this wonderful group of people everyday. I see them go above and beyond in their patient care, especially during this COVID crisis.”
Thanks for that, Veronica – puts a smile on all our faces. 🙂